Marketing + Fundraising for Sustainable Nonprofit Growth

Tell your story.

Connect your donors.

Transform the world.

With limited financial resources and even less time, your nonprofit needs to find the path to sustainable growth - fast.

An affordable fundraising + marketing solution for growing nonprofits.

Get the tools you need to experience breakthrough growth: a full nonprofit assessment, messaging guide, new website, and comprehensive development plan. Laying a Foundation for growth is a 6-month program that “lays the foundation” for sustainable nonprofit growth with a unique combination of online learning, 1:1 coaching, and done-for-you marketing services.

Meet your development & marketing team.

Laying a Foundation For Growth is a strategic partnership between a Houston-based nonprofit coaching firm (Broad Oaks Consulting) and a marketing studio (Solace Media). You’ll get access to an entire fundraising & marketing “department” to help grow your organization.

  • President/CEO, Broad Oaks Consulting
  • Co-Founder, Solace Media Co-Founder & Former Executive Director, The Landing
  • Business Development Specialist
  • Senior Copywriter/StoryBrand Certified Guide
  • Project Manager
  • Senior Visual Designer
  • Front-End Developer
  • Co-Founder/Creative Director

Here's how it works.

We’ll create your development plan and marketing materials simultaneously during 6 months of online learning, 1:1 coaching, and marketing services.

Month 1
Free Mini-Assessment & Consultation.
Get a professional assessment of your nonprofit.

Before you ever pay or sign a contract, we’ll help you use real-life data from your nonprofit to create an actionable mini-assessment that you can implement with or without us. This process will orient you to the program and ensure we’re a good fit for each other.

Month 1
Online Fundraising Course & Bi-Weekly 1:1 Coaching
Level up your own fundraising and marketing skills.

When you join the Laying A Foundation For Growth Program, you receive:

  • A custom Nonprofit Assessment ($30,000 value)
  • Messaging Guide ($2,500+ value)
  • Fully Custom Website ($30,000+ value)
  • Step-by-step Development Plan ($50,000+ value)
  • Lifetime Access to Online Course ($1,500+ value)
  • Bi-Weekly Coaching for 6 Months ($9,000+ value)
  • Monthly Coaching for 12 Months After Program Completion ($9,000+ value)

Each of these services and deliverables cost most organizations $100,000 or more. Through the accelerated Laying A Foundation For Growth program, you’ll get all of this for $36,000 (or $6,000/mo for 6 months).

Month 1-2
Audience Surveys & Interviews
Sustainable growth starts by listening to your audience.

We will identify the core segments of your audience and conduct interviews with and/or surveys of your staff, board, donors, volunteers, and other partners.

Month 2-3
Brand Messaging & Storytelling Guide
Create alignment and clarity in your communications.

With insights from your audience research, we’ll craft your organization’s “Brand Messaging Guide.” This Guide lays the foundation for your communications by outlining your target audience, core messaging, brand voice, and more.

We will also outline strategic marketing guidelines for applying your brand messaging, launching your new website, and improving your overall marketing results.

Month 4
Nonprofit Assessment
Get a clear, unbiased snapshot of your nonprofit's overall health.

We will take a deep dive into your nonprofit to identify what’s preventing you from raising more money. Based on our research and audience interviews, we’ll deliver a customized assessment that will give you recommended actions to optimize and grow your organization.

Month 5
Custom Website
Build a website that you can feel great about.

Solace’s expert marketing & design team will work with you to write, design, and build a 100% custom website. Your new website will significantly enhance your credibility, improve your brand’s appearance, and help you fundraise with more confidence.

Month 6
Comprehensive Development Plan
Get a custom step-by-step plan for sustainable growth.

Based on your coaching and course homework over the past six months, we’ll create a custom 12-month Development Plan. This plan will be tailored to your organization’s unique goals and resources and contain specific steps to take to grow your revenue this year.

Our development plans are designed with growth in mind and, when followed, will help you scale growth continuously for at least 3 – 5 years.

Month 6-18
Monthly Accountability Coaching
Launch your development plan... and see the results.

By month 6, you’ll have a custom messaging guide, nonprofit assessment, website, and development plan. We’ll stick with you for an entire year after the program to implement your development plan and leverage your new marketing materials for growth.

Let's take a closer look at your online course & coaching curriculum.

Module 1

Surveying Your Audience

You’ll learn:

● What people are actually saying about your
● Opportunities for improvement
● Ideas to take your fundraising to the next level
● Actions you can take to move your fundraising forward immediately


● In-Person Iterviews with your staff, board, donors, volunteers, and other key partners.

Module 2

Messaging – Developing your Brandscript

You’ll learn:

● How to create clarity and alignment in your communications
● How to use ancient storytelling principles to capture (and hold) attention
● The “80/20 Rule” of nonprofit communications
● The elements of a successful marketing campaign


● BrandScript Elements Worksheet to identify the key messages of your organization’s communications

Module 3

Collecting & Using Data

You’ll learn:

● What data points to track
● How to leverage program, donor, and financial data to create deeper engagement
● How to segment your audiences for clear, effective communication
● How to use data to cultivate and steward your donors
● Methods for giving and tracking donor gifts


● Funding Data Worksheet to identify and diversity your revenue sources

Module 4

Diversifying Your Revenue Streams

You’ll learn:

● How to identify and prioritize your current revenue streams
● What an ideal revenue mix looks like
● Strategies for growing individual donor revenue
● What kinds of revenue you should (or shouldn’t) be targeting


● Revenue Goal Template to identify and set a realistic goal for developing one new revenue stream

Module 5

The Donor Lifecycle

You’ll learn:

● How and why individual donors give
● The growth stages of an ideal donor
● How to grow donors into “Sustainers” you can count on


● Donor Upgrade Grid to create your organization’s donor growth strategy

Module 6

Stewarding Your Donors

You’ll learn:

● What it means to “steward your donors”
● The four donor personality styles (and how to identify them)
● How to build trust and relationships with different types of donros


● Donor Worksheet to practice identifying personality types and stewardship opportunities for your top donors

Module 7

Acquiring New Donors

You’ll learn:

● How to achieve organic growth through strategic events
● Methods for growing your (real-life) social networks
● How and why to invest in paid social media


● SMART Goal Worksheet to identify one new strategy to expand your audience or donor database

Module 8

Involving Your Board

You’ll learn:

● Your board’s role in management, fundraising, and development
● How to grow and develop your board members
● A fresh mindset to build trust in and dependence on your board

Module 9

Executing Your Development Plan

You’ll learn:

● How to make sense of everything you’ve learned in this course
● Strategies for sustainable growth
● Personal habits to keep your sanity and peace of mind


● Video example of an effective nonprofit event
● Recommended reading list that will forever change the way you lead your organization

After the program, you'll have...

The results speak for themselves.

Compare our clients outcomes against the national average

Overall growth in charitable giving in the United States (Giving USA):



( -.7% adjusted for inflation)



( -10.5% adjusted for inflation)



( -2.1% adjusted for inflation)

Now is the best time to invest in your organization's future.

With limited financial resources and even less time, you need to be certain that your nonprofit quickly ends up on the path to sustainable growth.

What you need is a team of experts who have sat in your seat and cracked the code on consistently growing nonprofit revenue, year after year. Just like a successful business, your nonprofit needs a strategic development plan supported by a comprehensive marketing strategy.

You see, marketing and fundraising are interdependent. They’re like the two engines on an airplane. Sure, you can fly with just one for a while. But for the long flight, you need both running well to make it to your destination.

At Laying a Foundation For Growth, we believe money should never be what stops a great nonprofit from achieving their mission. There is plenty of money out there. You just need to learn how to inspire people to invest in your vision.

But we get it – it’s impossible to be an Executive Director, leading your organization into the future, while also being a full-time Development Director. As nonprofit Founders and Executive Directors ourselves, we’ve been in your shows.

That’s why we created the Laying a Foundation For Growth Program – to bring an affordable solution to small-midsize nonprofits like yours. Laying a Foundation for Growth is a revolutionary program that strategically unites fundraising and marketing to help you grow and diversify your revenue streams.

We know you’re not made of time – or money. We’ve carefully curated the program to give you the tools you need to be successful in just 6 months, ensuring you spend no more than 2-3 hours a week on deliverables and coaching.

By packing so much into just 6 months, this complete fundraising + development program is just $7,000/mo for 6 months… instead of the $100,000+ and several years that most nonprofits spend.

With a Full Nonprofit Assessment Report, Development Plan, and powerful new marketing collateral, you’ll be able to confidently ask for the money your mission deserves.

Go ahead and apply to join the program – we love meeting people who want to make a difference and can’t wait to get to know you and your mission.

Just like a successful business, your nonprofit needs a strategic development plan supported by a comprehensive marketing strategy.

"We believe money should never be what stops a great nonprofit from achieving their mission".

You might be wondering...

How much does the program cost?

We understand that small-medium nonprofits don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars to burn on consultants or deliverables that may or may not work.

That’s why the Laying a Foundation For Growth program is just $7,000/mo for 6 months. We’re committed to helping you achieve significant ROI from your investment, so we’ll stick with you for 12 months of free coaching after the program to implement your development plan together.

What deliverables will I have after the program?

When you join the Laying a Foundation For Growth Program, you receive:

  • A custom Nonprofit Assessment ($30,000 value)
  • Messaging Guide ($2,500+ value)
  • Fully Custom Website ($30,000+ value)
  • Step-by-step Development Plan ($50,000+ value)
  • Lifetime Access to Online Course ($1,500+ value)
  • Bi-Weekly Coaching for 6 Months ($9,000+ value)
  • Monthly Coaching for 12 Months After Program Completion ($9,000+ value)

Each of these services and deliverables cost most organizations $100,000 or more. Through the accelerated Laying A Foundation For Growth program, you’ll get all of this for $42,000 (or $7,000/mo for 6 months).

What size organizations is this for?

This program is generally for small to medium-sized organizations with at least $1M in annual revenue. Organizations that have less than $1M in annual revenue are a good fit if they are looking to grow. Our clients are well-established, organized nonprofits committed to achieving sustainable, long-term growth.

Why do you do fundraising and marketing at the same time?

Fundraising and marketing are like two engines powering a plane – you’ll go further when both are working well together. While it’s possible to separate these activities over 12 months for LFG, combining them accelerates your return on investment and builds momentum much faster. Strong marketing directly boosts fundraising by increasing visibility and donor engagement. When both your marketing and fundraising engines are powered up, they amplify your message, expand reach, and create a compelling narrative that drives both awareness and donations.

Who is Broad Oaks Consulting? Who is Solace Media?

Broad Oaks Consulting helps nonprofits raise more money with confidence so they can transform the world! Angela Burgess, the CEO/Founder uses her wealth of experience in the financial services industry and nonprofit leadership to help nonprofits run like other successful businesses. She understands that growing a nonprofit can often feel like looking for buried treasure without a map which is why Broad Oaks helps them map out where to find and leverage the resources needed to advance their missions.

Broad Oaks Consulting’s training, coaching, and leadership of nonprofit teams have led to raising over $110 million toward their mission.

Solace Media was founded in 2013 by Sunny and Natasha Paradeshi to help mission-focused organizations make a bigger impact through their marketing. From personal experiences working in churches and founding and leading a nonprofit, they saw a lot of for-profit and nonprofit organizations doing great work, but their marketing was holding them back from growing. Their missions deserved better. They knew they needed to increase revenue to be able to do more and dive deeper with their missions.

Broad Oaks Consulting and Solace Media teamed up to build Laying a Foundation for Growth so that small to medium sized nonprofits can have access to expert fundraising and marketing partners to help them grow sustainably.

Can I share the online course with my team?

Yes! Your organization will have lifetime access to the course. This differs heavily from most courses out there that are licensed to specific people in your organization. Turnover happens. We’re committed to the success of your organization and every member of your team – today and well into the future

If this program is valued at over $100,000, how can you afford to do it for so much less?

Broad Oaks Consulting and Solace Media have seen firsthand how small and mid-sized nonprofits can have a huge impact on the communities they serve. Founders of both organizations share a strong Christian faith and believe that God calls each of us to give of our time, treasure, and talent in unique ways. How can we afford to do it? We simply pay ourselves less than the market. It’s one way we choose to give back and to honor the incredible work nonprofits do to make the world a better place. While we certainly could be charging more for our services, we wanted to build a solution that is affordable for smaller organizations that will give them a platform on which to stand for decades to come.

Get all the templates from the Laying a Foundation for Growth course - free.

Download the fundraising and marketing templates we use to help our clients grow:

  • Funding Data Worksheet
  • Revenue Goal Template
  • Donor Upgrade Grid
  • Donor Personality Worksheet
  • Understanding the Four Donor Personalities